Salta - Purmamarca
Salta - Purmamarca
Drive to Jujuy along the scenic road number 9. Lunch at the simple Restaurant "Chanta Tres" on the road Av. Libertador km 1705 by Yala, where we had fried empanada, sweet and salty humitas and a delicious "locro", stew with corn, pumpkin, onion, beans, meat and vegetables. The owner gave us many explanations and ideas for things to do in the area. At 14:45 pm we arrived at our Hotel Manantial del Silencio where we are in a wonderful suite #19 -but only for one day-, as it is not available tomorrow anymore. So we will have to move to a standard room. Volker went for a walk and explored the village while Julia rested enjoying the great views right from the bed. In the evening we had dinner with Lama steaks in black beer at El Churqui de Altura in the village.