South-Africa / Süd-Afrika (3):
Kruger National Park, Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park, False·Bay, St.·Lucia, Durban
02/2 - 4/2/05

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A very old elephant resting from the day's heat /Ein sehr alter Elefant ruht sich von der Tageshitze aus.

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Velvet Monkey and Chacma Baboon

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Nyala and female warthog with baby. / Nyala und afrikanische Wildschwein-Sau mit Baby.

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Lazy female lions / Faule Löwinnen. . .......................................Zebra

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Black Rhinoceros / Schwarze Rhinozeros

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Weaver nests / Weber-Nester. . .......................Blue Waterbuck / Blauer Wasserbock

{short description of image} Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park petrol station / Tankstelle im Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park

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